Respect and Security

The Pact is committed to promoting an inclusive and respectful environment. No form of violence or intolerance will be tolerated. We welcome participants from all backgrounds and experiences to join and contribute to our diverse community.

Respect and Safety of the Game Sites

Our event takes place in remarkable locations that must be respected. A few rules have been put in place to ensure the well-being of all participants and of the environment.

  • No combat inside buildings.

  • Fires are only permitted in designated fire pits, and only if allowed by SOPFEU. Use only firewood.

  • Construction materials around the site are for the owner's use; do not touch or move them.

  • Low-amperage power outlets are available for lamps or phone chargers. They cannot support high-energy devices such as hair dryers or heaters. Please respect this limitation to avoid power outages.

  • Do not leave any waste behind. Trash and recycling bags can be provided upon request.

  • Smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes is only permitted around the fire pits.

Facilities and Services

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. If you need assistance or experience any discomfort during the event, please contact us. We are here to help!

To ensure all participants have a comfortable and enjoyable experience at The Pact, we provide the following facilities and services:

  • First Aid: Members of our team are trained in first aid, including CPR/AED-C. For any medical needs or emergencies, we have first aid kits available at two locations: the Old Portal and the Tavern. Do not hesitate to use these resources if necessary and inform event volunteers of any health issues you encounter.

  • Potable Water: The water on-site is not potable. It is recommended to bring your own. You can always fill your bottle or request water at the Tavern.

  • Toilets: The locations of the toilets are marked on the event map with windmill icons. We will provide toilet paper and hand sanitizer at all toilet locations. However, we also encourage participants to bring their own supplies as a backup.

Moderation, Calibration, and Safety Signals

To maintain the immersive nature of our event while ensuring effective out-of-character communication, we use the following signals:

  • Red glow stick: If a participant is wearing a red glow stick, they have opted out of combat simulation. If you wish to attack their character, tell them so. They will forfeit and act as if they had been defeated in combat.

  • Crossed Arms: If a participant crosses their arms over their chest or above their head, it indicates they are out of character. Please act as if they are not present in the game scenario.

  • Stacked Fists: If a participant stacks their fists in front of them or on their head, they are speaking out of character. This signal can be used to ask a question about the rules, for example. Please use this method sparingly to maintain the immersive environment.

Our event implements various safety tools to ensure all participants feel comfortable and safe during the game:

  • Exiting a scene: If a participant wishes to leave a scene, allow them to do so without asking questions or requesting explanations. Respect their decision.

  • S-O-S: This is used to request out-of-character help in situations such as medical emergencies, panic attacks, etc. If you hear an S-O-S call, pause the game and provide assistance as needed. The game resumes with the call ACTION once it is safe to continue.

  • Check-In: Make the OK sign with your hand (index finger and thumb forming a circle while the other fingers are extended) to check if another participant is comfortable with the current situation. Their responses can be as follows:

    • Thumb Up: They are comfortable with the current scenario. Continue.

    • Thumb to the side: They request to reduce the intensity of the scene.

    • Thumb down: They are not comfortable with the current scenario. Adjust your role-playing accordingly.

    • You can use the thumb to the side or down at any time to signal your discomfort to others.

  • TAK: On rare occasions, an organizer may need to pause the game for explanations, descriptions, safety reasons, etc. Upon hearing the word TAK, all participants must stop moving and listen to the instructions. The game will resume after the situation is resolved with the call ACTION.

  • Whistle: A whistle blow also signals a game stop, similar to the word TAK. For this reason, participants may only use a whistle in an emergency.

At The Pact, our primary goal is to provide an immersive, engaging, and safe LARP experience. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the excitement of the battlefield while ensuring a safe environment for yourself and all other participants. Let's bring our stories to life with the spirit of adventure and safety in mind!