Code of Conduct

The Pact LARP's mission is to create an inclusive, bilingual and accessible LARP experience that considers the needs and perspectives of all players and ensures that everyone feels welcome and able to fully participate in its events in full immersion in a space of collaboration and creative sharing.

By participating in our events, you agree to respect the present Code of Conduct. These rules are implemented to ensure all participants' safety and well-being.  Failure to comply with these rules could result in a warning, temporary exclusion or banishment from our activities.


1.1 The activities of The Pact LARP are mainly intended for an adult audience. A responsible adult must accompany any minor participant and provide parental authorization. Participants under the age of 14 must be under parental supervision at all times and cannot participate in combat simulations with regular participants.

1.2 The Pact LARP provides a harassment-free environment for anyone, regardless of gender, identity, ethnicity, appearance, socioeconomic status, or any other factor. No insults, hateful, sexist, racist or phobic discussions will be tolerated, even under the guise of role-playing. If in doubt, use the calibration tools put in place by the organization.

1.3 Anyone participating in the activities of The Pact LARP commits to act with respect toward others and the environment. At all times, you contribute positively to the activities and to the community by acting with common sense and by keeping the principles of safety and well-being in mind.

1.4 It is your responsibility to know all the rules of the LARP to ensure its proper functioning. At all times, act in good faith and with fair play. If in doubt, seek clarification from members of the organization. Any cheating will be punished.

1.5 We want to present the most immersive activities possible, and this requires the support of the entire community. Respect decorum and continue playing your character as long as you are in a play area. That said, while decorum is an important factor, we always encourage tolerance and prioritize safety and inclusivity.

1.6 Physical contact without explicit consent is prohibited. The game system is designed to limit direct contact. If you wish to be completely excluded from combat simulations, obtain an identifier when registering at an event.

1.7 In order to ensure the safety of all participants, no drugs, alcoholic beverages or illicit products will be tolerated. If you are under the influence of any of these substances, you will not be able to participate in our activities.

1.8 The management of The Pact LARP will refer to competent authorities for any illegal activity.


2.1 As a participant, you agree to leave the places as you found them. Ensure you don't leave any trash or food at the end of the event.

2.2 You can move the furniture that is in the game locations provided you replace it at the end of the event. However, it is forbidden to climb on structures or undo a permanent installation. Combat simulations must be done outdoors.

2.3 Except in the case of a temporary ban, it is permitted to make outdoor fires in the places designated for this purpose only. Fire conditions will be communicated before each event.

2.4 It is permitted to smoke cigarettes, cigars or pipes around the fire pits only. Make sure that other people present agree to be exposed to the smoke. Dispose of your cigarette butts properly. Vapers must respect the same conditions.