The Patrol

We talked about player-supported PVE before, but now it is time to talk about how it will be applied to the events themselves.

Introducing "The Patrol"

"The Patrol" is when, during an event, you come to help the organizer team for a certain amount of time. During that time, in-game, your characters are taking a shift to help patrol the ground nearby The Pact encampment. Before each game with your registration, you will be prompted to choose a time slot. For this year, we will have 4 different patrols per game: Friday night, Saturday morning or afternoon, Saturday evening and Sunday morning. You will also be prompted to choose between combatant or noncombatant roles if you have a strong preference.

Patrols aren't mandatory, but characters who participate in them will be rewarded. It's also an opportunity to see what happens behind enemy lines!

When the time comes for your patrol, you must show up to a predetermined area wearing any base costume you wish - neutral-coloured pants and any decorum shirt would do the trick - and weapons if you volunteered for a combatant role.

If you wish, we encourage you to bring more planned costumes. Players choosing noncombatant roles may have recurring roles as local peasants or refugees. More combatant roles will often play undead soldiers; skeleton masks, tattered uniforms and rusty armour are more than fitting.

The organization will have some costumes and weapons available to lend. Still, the more the community of players brings, the more we can focus our efforts on creating the most immersive experience possible.


Beyond the beyond